Continuing a 20-year-old tradition, the Al Thomas A's held their annual Rookie Moy Night on July 22, 2005. Twenty-three members of the team boarded a lavish Limousine Bus to discuss baseball strategies and theorems throughout the evening. As the team visited several sports establishments across the city of Boston, some of the more heated debates included 'bringing the infield in', 'bunting with 2 strikes', and of course, the old baseball gem, 'tequila vs. grape crush', which required many rounds of research and exploration. Displaying proudly their "Rookie Moy Night" tee shirts, the A's left no stone unturned in their scrutinization of the various sports and recreation edifices in Boston. The evening culminated in a visit to the Golden Gate Restaurant, during which time no rookie was allowed to use silverware or utensils of any kind. Retired for several years now, former waiter Moy was rumored to have said, "I looked forward all summer to those guys coming in to eat with their hands. They were funny, and sometimes they sang songs. What a great bunch of guys!"
