The Al Thomas Baseball Club is currently sitting at 13 wins and 4 losses, and are 1 game back of the Brighton Black Sox who are 14-3 on the season. ATBC has 7 games remaining for the 2023 regular season before the post season begins late July. Al Thomas will play BBS one more time on the season with the current series at 3-2 in favor of BBS. ATBC is back on Wednesday, July 12th, @ Brighton Braves - Rogers Park - 7:30p start.
Current ATBC Batting Leaders
Average | ​.468 | Matt Rothermel |
Hits | 22 | Matt Rothermel |
Doubles | 5 | Matt Rothermel |
Triples | 5 | Zach Hatfield |
Home Runs | 1 | Plank, Falvey, Cullen, Fogarty |
RBIs | 12 | Zach Hatfield |
Walks | ​13 | Miguel Gonzalez |
OBP | ​.550 | Matt Rothermel |
SLG | ​.606 | Kevin Falvey |
SB | 12 | Zach Hatfield |
Current ATBC Pitching Leaders
Wins | 4 | Matt Rothermel |
Saves | 4 | Paul Wydom |
Innings Pitched | 34.1 | Paul Wydom |
ERA (min 13 IP) | 1.22 | Paul Wydom |
​Strike Outs | 38 | Devin Perlman |
SOIP | 2.25 | Trevor Derochea |